Where there's a WiL, there's a way

An international alliance dedicated to the promotion of
leadership of female lymphoma clinicians, researchers and educators
An international alliance dedicated to the promotion of
leadership of female lymphoma clinicians, researchers and educators
“WiL is committed to supporting and advocating for greater leadership of women in lymphoma globally”
We advocate for and promote equal representation at conferences, on panels, leadership committees and in research and we promote opportunities for WiL globally and celebrate the successes of our members.
We encourage networking, and engagement for WiL through dedicated meetings at major conferences and information sharing via our newsletters, webinars and website.
We facilitate education of WiL through our dedicated webinar lecture series and events run by our internationally renowned WiL members as well as promote activities run by our members.
Mentoring and role models are essential in every career path. Many of us have female trainees keen to lead research/clinical service/teaching programmes and seeing other women in these roles has inspired them to follow a similar path.
It is essential for all our junior lymphoma colleagues to see women in leadership roles within lymphoma. This not only helps the “you cannot be what you cannot see” hurdle but also leads to productive diversity on decision making boards.
A key focus of Women in Lymphoma (WiL) is to mentor other women, encouraging them to put themselves forward for career progression opportunities. By highlighting other women’s achievements through WiLing Wednesdays - a high-level education programme - it allows identification of clear role models and mentors. Through this popular educational series across lymphoma histologies, we hope to show that these leading WiL are not exceptional but should be the norm.
Nonetheless, the majority of lymphoma leaders internationally are male and mentorship is not a gender-restricted exercise. Emerging women need male mentors too, and senior women in lymphoma seek to mentor young men as well as women.
In 2021, Women in Lymphoma will be encouraging the involvement of leading men in lymphoma, as champions of change, to work with WiL on initiatives to identify and reduce barriers which may prevent women choosing or being for a leadership path in lymphoma.
With the enabling support of Lymphoma Australia www.lymphoma.org.au Women in Lymphoma seeks to harness the potential of all emerging lymphoma leaders - both male and female - for the improvement of lymphoma research and patient care.
Join WiL around the world in our live and free educational webinars
with leading and emerging WiL presenting and discussing
challenging aspects of contemporary management of lymphoma.
Free sessions on Zoom are open to all clinicians, researchers and
educators in lymphoma, industry and associated fields.
Recording links for Series 2 - 12 on the Events & News page
Please email wil@lymphoma.org.au
to receive flyers for WiLing Wednesdays free webinars
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